Transcripts of the "Conversations with Other Writers" Occasional Series of Podcasts

Hat tip to authors' guru Jane Friedman for the suggestion: For my occasional podcast series, Conversations with Other Writers -- (in plain English, I post recorded chats with my writer friends when I happen to get around to it)-- I'm going to start offering transcripts. And I am really excited about this because the interviews are absolutely fascinating and yet I know, alas, not everyone who would enjoy them has the wherewithal to download a podcast. 

(That said, I love podcasts-- I listen while I'm cooking or driving-- and I'm always running out of them, so if you know of a good one, please zap me your recommendation.)

Here is the first transcript (no worries, it's not a PDF and it's free):

A Conversation with Mexican Writer and Editor Rose Mary Salum:
Making Connections with Literature and Art
Rose Mary Salum is the founding editor of Literal and editor of the visionary Delta de las arenas, cuentos árabes, cuentos judíos, a collection of works by Latin American writers of Arab and Jewish heritage. 

>> Follow Rose Mary Salum and Literal on Twitter @literalmagazine

>> To listen in anytime to that podcast, click here.

So far, podcasts in the "Conversations with Other Writers" series include:

Sergio Troncoso
Michael K. Schuessler
Edward Swift
Sara Mansfield Taber
Solveig Eggerz

It may be a while until I can post another in this series, alas, because I am out and about for my latest book, Metaphysical Odyssey into the Mexican Revolution: Francisco I. Madero and His Secret Book, Spiritist Manual [podcasts about that >>here<<] and also working on a new book about Far West Texas, apropos of which I am hosting the Marfa Mondays Podcasting Project (16 podcasts so far of a projected 24). All that said, I aim to be able to post a second transcript later this month.

P.S. Hat tip also to Debra Eckerling whose Write On Online newsletter recommended CLK Transcriptions

>> Your COMMENTS are always welcome.

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